Pick Up High-Quality Pumpkins and Gourds

Pick Up High-Quality Pumpkins and Gourds

Check out our homegrown pumpkins and natural farm produce in Hawesville, KY

If you're looking for some natural farm produce in the Hawesville, KY area, you're in the right place. Lead Creek Farm has tons of homegrown pumpkins and gourds for you to choose from. All of our produce is all-natural, grown directly on the farm you'll be buying it from.

Come visit us today to pick up some natural farm produce.

Use our produce for all of your projects

You can grab our homegrown pumpkins and gourds to use in a variety of ways. For example, they're perfect for:

  • Seasonal decorations
  • Jack-o'-lanterns
  • Craft projects
Whether you want to make a unique bottle out of a gourd or you want to carve a beautiful pumpkin for Halloween, you can do it all with our produce. If you have any questions about our produce, feel free to get in touch with us today.